Monday 30 January 2012

Would You Rather?.... Beauty Edition

Hope you Beauties had a wonderful weekend. I was away hence the lack of posts but I'm back and felt like answering the Would you Rather tag I found on YouTube. I watched quite a few lovely people do this Tag and always thought of my own answers while I watched theirs, These 10 questions are a mix of 2 separate Would you Rather Tags..hope you enjoy and I would love to know your answers:)

Would you rather.......

Go out with messy hair & nice make-up or Nice hair and no make-up?              
Messy hair & nice Make-up because my hair is messy most days anyways

Shave your eyebrows or let your eyelashes fall out?
Shave my eyebrows, I would rather pencil in my brows for a while then lose my eyelashes because I love mascara too much

Forced to shop only at MAC or SEPHORA?
Although I adore MAC products my choice would be SEPHORA because I would have more products choices

Wear lipstick/lip liner Combo or an 80s Perm?
Lipstick/Lip liner because this question doesn't say what colour and I would go with a your lip colour liner and any pretty colour gloss tricky tricky lol.

Go to a party and at the end of the night realize you had lipstick on your teeth or false lashes coming unglued?
Hmmm I guess I would rather have lipstick on my teeth then look like I have a baby Caterpillar on my face.

Wear Foundation 2 shades lighter or Go over board with bronzer?
Definitely foundation 2 shades lighter, I would just make sure it was blended down my neck and go for a 50's pin up look that daythat day:)

Be able to date a celeb you wanted or wake up with perfect red carpet hair?
Red carpet hair for sure.

Give up your Make-up or cell for 1 year?
Well since my cell broke 8 months ago and I never replaced it and don't miss it I would say hands down I would give up my cell.

Forget to put mascara on 1 eye or Blush on one side of your face?
One of my favorite beauty obsessions is mascara but I'm going with Mascara on 1 eye..and praying I'm wearing my glasses that day

Bad Hair cut or colour?
I would hate either. Guess I would go with colour..colour fades or can be coloured again while a bad hair cut you have to be patient while it grows out..I'm not very patient.

Well there you go..again I would love to hear your answers:)

Sara xo

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