Monday, 13 February 2012

Plans for my new DRESSING ROOM/VANITY xx

Hope all you Beauties are having a wonderful day. I'm at home still sick so I am spending the day looking online for the last few pieces I need for my new dressing/make-up room. I'm hoping to have painted and put together in the next few weeks. All my current furniture is white (antique chest of drawers, book cases) and I want to keep the room very calm but stands out at the same time..yeah may be hard to understand but hopefully you get the idea from the pictures below:)


WALLS -  Colours I'm choosing from

VANITY & CHAIR  - Adding a pop of colour with cushions

BOOKCASES - For make-up and other beauty products


COMFY CHAIR -  Working on posts and relaxing
(would love it in a fun colour)

LIGHTING - Lamps and over head lighting

I am definitely keeping all the heavier wooden furniture white to go along with the pieces i already have. These are the furniture pieces and shapes i really like but fabrics and colours may be different depending on what I find and fall in love with. I also need to find boxes and containers to organize my make-up. I would love some beautiful coloured art work as well so if any of you lovely readers knows of any artists with work you  maybe on etsy etc..please let me know so I can take a look:)

Sara XO

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